[toc] SpringBoot 连接数据库 原理 Spring中,数据从数据库到前端的流程: Jdbc配置(pom.xml,application.yml,cofig工程中:cof-dev.yal: spring.datasource:url?useSSL=false usrname password ) –> model HandlerMapping –> service(interface -> impl(继承接口+@Override方法 : 调用RoundDictExample(增删改查,验证))) –> controller –> @responsebodey (包装响应 Res
liunx 命令大全: https://www.runoob.com/linux/linux-command-manual.html 1 安装 jdk 包 第一种:已经安装好了,那么解压就行了 比如 Jdk包是rmp格式的,怎么解压呢。 要先转换成cpio格式: rpm2cpio xxxx.rpm | cpio -idv 第二种:去oracle官网下载 选择合适的liunx版本jdk8 那么怎么知道合不合适呢, 查看getconf LONG_BIT 如果显示32,则是32位的Linux系统,如果显示64,则是64位的Linux系统。这里是64位的,所以下载Linux x64
What I want to do: To deploy my webiste which is written by Jave, I also need to install jdk and tomcat on the Cloud. What is Tomcat: How to do it: ssh https://www.jianshu.com/p/1a7ee8cbf665 Improvment: use a visualable interface: 宝塔, which is easier to use. https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/124133187
What I want to do: I need a server to depoly my applications, such as websites. I used to depoly my websites on Github Pages, but that only works for static pages and it has many limitations. Why I use Google Cloud: I now there are many companies could provide server service, such as Aliyun, Huawei
![image-20210114214813891](/Users/lujiawen/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20210114214813891.png) ![image-20210114214611594](/Users/lujiawen/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20210114214611594.png)
可以把这个js 加到我的个人网站里。
项目重要问题记录: smart brain: 后端接口 bloghelper:es6 语法的支持 to do list : local storage
I am going to build 50 interesting fontend projects and update the tutorials of them. All those projects would be used in my personal websites to make it greater. LOL
nvm What: nvm as a mechanism for managing node versions 官方文档: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm To switch Node.js from node@4.4.7 to node@8.9.1 i have used following command: nvm install v8.9.1 nvm use v8.9.1 Problems: -bash: nvm: command not found 1. Before installing nvm, run this in termina