Hi, I am a post-graduate student from the University of Edinburgh. With a strong curiosity, I would like to roam widely from Psychology, NeuroScience to computer science. Those interdisciplinary pieces of knowledge benefit me a lot, allowing me to view and analyze the world in multiple ways.
I have infinite curiosity about technology,
so I have been teaching myself programming.
Data analysist 07/2019-present
Though self-learning and join a group of fabulous people in the university, I am able to build some websites, mainly responsible for the font-end and a little back-end.
Psychology have changed my life! By reading from those classic textbooks and delibarate practicing, I swithed my lens towards the world. I reborn as a super confident and happy person. All right, I amdit I may not be happy all the time, but I feel way more happier that what I was before!!!!
GPA: 3.23
GPA: 3.23
Apart from being a web developer, I enjoy my time being indoors.
I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the front-end web development world.
When I am outdoors, I like to wander around the museums or do some aerobic exercise.